ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies The ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies article provides you with information about pressure vessel joint efficiency requirements and their connection with radiography testing. You may know Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies are linked to the radiography testing grades and there is a concession for full radiography testing as per the UW-11(a) (5) (b) clause which
Codes, Standards & Specifications: Underwater welding is covered under: AWS D3.6 Specification for Underwater Welding. ASME N-516 Underwater Welding Section XI Div. 1 BS EN ISO 15618-1:2002 Qualification Testing of welders for underwater welding. AWS D3.6M 1999 Specification for Underwater Welding: Class C – Where load bearing is not a primary consideration. Class O – To meet the requirements
Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is for general knowledge only on how “underwater welding” is carried out. Safety is also emphasized here as we are dealing with two types of activities, Diving and Welding. One must remember that underwater welding is a different world, and so special precautions are adhered to for maximum safety of the welder/diver. Introduction: Underwater
Types of Pipeline in Oil & Gas Industry: Injection lines: Pipelines injecting water / steam / polymer / gas into the wells to improve the lift. Flow lines: Pipelines from the well head to the nearest processing facility. Trunk lines / Inter field lines: Pipelines between two processing facilities or from pig trap to pig trap or from block valve
The corrosion under insulation (CUI) war has been fought for many years in the petrochemical industry. The corrosion processes are well understood but yet CUI often goes undetected until the damage is significant which may lead to catastrophic failures, e.g. on equipment operating under high pressure. CUI May occur on: Carbon steel (general/localised corrosion) Stainless steel (localised corrosion/stress corrosion