ASME Sec VIII Div 2 Pressure Vessels – Design Engineers
The industry is aware of ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1 as the widely accepted Pressure Vessel Code. However, Sec. VIII, Div. 2, which exists as “Alternative” code is not used extensively due to a persistent notion that it is too restrictive and calls for extensive analytical skill on part of the user. The advantages of Div. 2, (the lower vessel thickness, better structural integrity) are therefore often overlooked.
- This 5-day course gives the participants a thorough understanding of code rules. The participants would know the systematic approach for adopting and applying the Code rules for several configurations and services.
- During the course typical code stipulations will be reviewed and discussed collectively with the participants so as to address the difficulties and ambiguities they might have encountered in the code use, including a discussion on the misconceptions and pitfalls during the adoption of the code.
Day 1
- Introduction: ASME code system
- ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 2, scope and application
- Difference between ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1 and Sec VIII, Div. 2
- Responsibilities: user, manufacturer, inspector
- User design specifications and its certification
- Material restrictions for Sec. VIII, Div. 2
- Material re-testing and re-certification
- Impact resting requirements
- NDT of materials
Day 2
- Design requirements — design loadings
- Design basis — calculation of design stress
- Design criteria, secondary stresses
- Fatigue evaluation
- Shells under internal pressure
- Stress intensity values
- Effects of cyclic loading
- Effects of Secondary stresses
Day 3
- Design of formed heads
- Hemispherical heads
- Semispherical heads
- Ellipsoidal heads
- Conical heads
- Flat heads and bolted connections
- Stayed Heads
- Design for External load
- Design of Jacketed Vessels
Day 4
- Weld joint categories
- Limitations on welded joints
- Nozzles and their reinforcements
- Access and inspection openings
- Design under wind loading.
- Design for Seismic loading.
- Design of Saddle Supports
- Supports for vertical vessels
- General fabrication requirements
- Forming tolerances
- Welded points — type and type 2
- Welding qualifications
Day 5
- Weld fit-ups and weld mismatch
- Weld reinforcement
- NDT of welded joints
- PWHT of weld joints
- Pressure testing of vessels
- Code stamping and certification
- Pressure relief devices
- Final examination — open book
- Final examination – closed book
- Feedback
This course is designed especially for those officials who want to do their career in Inspection, Fabrication, Design of pressure vessels. This course is suitable for mechanical engineers, Foremen in fabrication shop and field Inspectors. Managers in design firms, Third party inspector will find this course adds very much vital information about application of code, in their experience and knowledge.
Especially those who want to be API Authorized Inspectors of Pressure Vessels would find this course gives them a sound base and strong foundation.
5 Day(s)