API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector Certification Preparatory
Progressive corrosion deteriorates pressure retaining walls to such an extent that there is always a threat of major break down which may lead to fire or some time to explosion. To avoid such accidents API has developed systematic ways to carry out ‘In-service Inspection’ to determine rate of corrosion and the remaining life of the equipment and piping.
- This program will help industries to continually improve and ensure safety through the use of owner/user or third party inspectors specialized in pressure equipment. The course thoroughly reviews API Publications such as API-510, API CERT 571, API RP-572, API RP-576, API CERT 577 and API IRE Chapter II. Inspectors are certified to inspect refining and petrochemical pressure vessels in accordance with API Standard 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alternation.
- The certification program promotes self-regulation and establishes a uniform national program that will assist state and local governments in pressure vessel regulations. Specific examination criteria simulating actual API test conditions will be utilized, providing an effective study base.
Day 1
Session 1
- Introduction to API 510 certification
- Introduction to ASME Code System
- Introduction to ASME Sec VIII Div 1
Session 2
- Design Fundamentals
- Allowable Stresses
- Joint Category, Joint Type
- Joint Efficiencies
Session 3
- Design Of Cylindrical Shells
- Calculations of Vessel MAWP, Part MAWP
- Static Head Calculations
- Design Of Dished Heads
- Case Studies
Day 2
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 1
- Design Of Dished Heads (Continue…)
- Depth Of Dished Heads
Session 2
- Introduction to External Pressure Calculations
- Case Studies
- Impact Testing Requirements
Session 3
- Pressure Testing – Hydrostatic
- Pressure Testing – Pneumatic
- Review of Practice Exam 1
Day 3
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 2
- Weld size for attachment welds at openings
- Case Studies
- Reinforcement of Openings – Concepts
Session 2
- Reinforcement Pad Calculations
- Case Studies
- Typical Weld Joints For Pressure Vessels
- Restrictions on Joints – mismatch tolerances
Session 3
- Allowable Weld Reinforcements
- Inspection Requirements For Pressure Vesels
- Heat Treatment
- Code Stamping and Data Reports
- Review of Practice Exam 2
Day 4
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 3
- Introduction To API 510 Code: Scope and Applications
- Reference Codes and Standards
- Specific Definitions
Session 2
- API 510 (Continued..): Inspection Organization
- Owner- User Responsibilities
- Quality Control Manual
- Certification Requirenments
Session 3
- Modes of Deterioration
- Corrosion, Fatigue, Creep
- Freeze Damage, Brittle Fracture,
- Temper embrittlement
- Review Of Practice Exam 3.
Day 5
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 4
- API 510 (continued…) Defect Inspection
- Inspection Of Parts
- Minimum Thickness Evaluation
- Pitting Corrosion, Localized Corrosion
Session 2
- API 510 Inspection Practices
- Corrosion Rate Determination
- MAWP Determination For Vessels In-Service
- Numerical Examples
Session 3
- External Inspection
- Internal and On-stream Inspection
- Inspection Intervals
- Remaining Service Life
- Illustrative Calculations
- Review of Practice Exam 4
Day 6
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 5
- API 510 (continued…) Defect Repairs
- Pressure Tests
- Documentation and Records
Session 2
- API 510 (Continued..): Welding Requirements
- Pre- Heating and PWHT
- Weld Overlay and Cladding
- NDT For Repairs and Alterations
Session 3
- Alterations and Rerating
- Rerating Documentations and Stamping
- Review Of Mid-session Exams
Day 7
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 6
- Introduction To ASME Sec IX
- Procedure Qualification
- PQR Tests and Evaluations of Results
Session 2
- Welding Variables – Evs, NEVs and SEVs
- Limits Of PQR Qualifications/ validity
- WPS/PQR Documentation
- WPQ Tests and Their Validity
Session 3
- Detail Road map For Review Of WPS and PQR Documentation
- Case Study For WPS/PQR Review
- Introduction To ASME Sec V: Nondestructive Examination
- Article 1: General Requirements
- Review Of Practice Exams 6
Day 8
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 7
- Article 2: Radiographic Examination
- Radiographic Procedure
- Selection Of IQI (Penetrameter)
- Radiographic Technique
- Interpretation and Documentation
Session 2
- Article 6: Liquid Penetrant Examination
- LPE Procedure
- Selection Of Penetrants
- LPE Technique
- Interpretation and Documentation
- Article 7: Magnetic Particle Examinations
Session 3
- Se – 797 UT Measurements
- Pulse- Echo Contact Method
- Single and Dual Crystal Techniques
- Review Of NDE Requirements ASME Sec VIII & API 510
- Review Of Practice Exams 7
Day 9
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 8
- Introductions To API 571
- Corrosive Components in Crude
- Deteriration Due To Hydrogen
- Deteriration Due To H2S
- Other Factors Of Corrosion
Session 2
- API RP 572 Review
- Types Of Pressure Vessels
- Construction Standards
- Causes of Deterioration
Session 3
- Internal Inspection
- External Inspection
- Inspection Record and Reports
- Review Of Practice Exams 8
Day 10
Session 1
- Points To Recall of Day 9
- API RP 576 Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices
- Types Of PRDs
- Causes Of Malfunctioning
- Inspection Intervals and Inspection Procedures for PRDs
- Testing Of PRDs on Test Bench
- Inspection Records & reports
Session 2
- Review of Practice Exam 9
- Final Open Book Examination
Session 3
- Final Close Book Examination
- Feedback On Tests
- Close down and Conclusion
The course is tailored for Engineers, Supervisors, Managers and personnel who are interested in the API 510 program and who wish to present themselves for the Pressure Vessel Inspector Certification examination.
10 Day(s)